Wrinkles under the eyes can appear at a young age and instantly add extra years to your appearance. But we can choose the right care for this important area and delay the appearance of the first signs of aging. Let's start the fight against wrinkles, puffiness, dark circles and crow's feet!

The face ages unevenly and the first signs of aging are wrinkles under the eyes - they can appear before the age of 30. It's best to prevent their occurrence or at least start tackling the treacherous crow's feet before they turn into deep furrows. We'll tell you how to do it: prevention methods as well as creams, serums, patches and masks to combat wrinkles around the eyes.
Why do bags and wrinkles appear under the eyes?
Due to the structure of the skin around the eyes, the first wrinkles become visible in this area. A lack of subcutaneous fat, the absence of sebaceous glands and the fact that the skin in the periorbital area is very thin are the main reasons for the early appearance of wrinkles. As we get older, the situation gets even worse: the loss of moisture causes the skin to dry out more and more, which leads to the formation of wrinkles. Careful care and anti-wrinkle eye masks help keep your skin hydrated and young.
The appearance of wrinkles around the eyes is associated not only with age-related changes, but also with the work of the facial muscles. The less the skin can return to its original shape, the more noticeable facial wrinkles become. One of the first wrinkles to appear in this area are the so-called crow's feet, which start from the outer corners of the eyes. By relaxing the muscles under the crow's feet, wrinkles in the periorbital area are smoothed out. This is just an answer to the question of what to do if wrinkles appear around the eyes.
Getting rid of under-eye wrinkles at home can be difficult, which is why it's so important to focus on prevention. There are several ways to prevent crow's feet from appearing around the eyes.
We change facial expressions and lifestyle so that wrinkles and circles do not appear under the eyes
- Try to avoid frequent squinting, as this process wears down collagen and elastin fibers more quickly and causes crow's feet to appear around the eyes.
- Do not forget about sunglasses, which allow you to squint less in the bright sun and mechanically protect the periorbital area from the dangerous effects of ultraviolet radiation. An excellent remedy for preventing wrinkles around the eyes.
- Try to spend more time in the fresh air: such walks help to produce vitamin D, saturate the body with oxygen, generally strengthen the immune system and improve the condition of the skin. Such walks do not help to quickly get rid of wrinkles under the eyes, but they are suitable as a preventive measure.
- Systematic lack of sleep primarily affects the appearance: dark circles and bags under the eyes appear, the firmness and elasticity of the skin is lost and wrinkles increase. So the first remedy for wrinkles around the eyes is proper sleep. Establish a routine and give yourself some rest.
- In order not to look for the best remedies for wrinkles under the eyes later, protect the skin of the eyelids from stretching. Apply creams only along the massage lines and with light, patting movements, not three times on the eye area, and use only special cosmetics for this area.
Diet for wrinkles under the eyes
Nothing new, but we'll repeat it again: drink enough water and eat a complete and balanced diet. If your body is dehydrated, wrinkles under the eyes are almost inevitable at the age of 40 and even earlier, keep this in mind. It is advisable to take hydrolyzed collagen because its synthesis, omega-3 and vitamin D3 decrease with age. Also, don't forget about vitamins and antioxidants.
Of course, prevention and changing your diet requires more effort than applying eye wrinkle patches, but such preventive measures are always cheaper than treatment.
How to remove wrinkles around eyes? Cosmetic aids
Eye care products are recommended for use between the ages of 18 and 20. When choosing care, pay attention to age and also pay attention to the time of application: a moisturizing and nourishing cream for eye wrinkles or a gel applied immediately before going to bed will cause severe swelling in the morning. It is better to use products with a lymphatic drainage effect at night.
Do not forget that during the period of active sun you need to choose preparations with UV filters. Proper Sanskrin is our everything! If you carefully protect your delicate skin from the sun, wrinkles around the eyes usually appear after 40 years and later, and if you neglect protection, they can appear as early as 25 years.
Components that help effectively remove wrinkles around the eyes: hyaluronic acid, microcollagen, retinol, vitamins A, E, C and argillerin (a peptide called a safe alternative to botulinum toxin). Products from the Spanish brand with arilerin promise not only to moisturize the skin, but also to gently relieve tension in the facial muscles.
Wrinkles under the eyes: a beautician can help
The most effective solution to the problem of wrinkles around the eyes is cosmetics. Modern injection and hardware procedures can smooth and tighten the skin.
Botulinum toxin injections for facial wrinkles around the eyes
In cosmetology, such injections are used to smooth facial wrinkles and relax the orbicularis oculi muscle. Botulinum toxin causes temporary immobilization of muscle fibers, making facial expressions less active. This will completely smooth out wrinkles or make them less pronounced. The effectiveness of the procedure cannot be compared with any cream or oil against eye wrinkles and the result lasts for several months.
Mesotherapy for crow's feet
Mesotherapy refers to the intradermal administration of preparations containing hyaluronic acid, peptides, collagen and other microelements. For example, the drug effectively combats pastiness and swelling of the skin as well as dark circles under the eyes. It improves the turgor and tone of the skin around the eyes, prepares for blepharoplasty and is used in rehabilitation programs after laser correction. According to reviews, wrinkles under the eyes are smoothed out even before the end of the course, mesotherapy is especially effective for patients under 40 years old.
Lymphatic drainage for swelling and wrinkles under the eyes
Microcurrent lymphatic drainage is one of the most comfortable and effective procedures for combating swelling in the periorbital area and correcting wrinkles. During the procedure, multifrequency low-voltage current pulses gently act on the skin, resulting in the restoration of facial muscle tone, normalization of blood circulation and, in fact, lymphatic drainage, as well as stimulation of collagen and elastin production. If you want to get rid of not only wrinkles around the eyes, but also puffiness, start with microcurrents.
Lifting to combat deep wrinkles under the eyes
SMAS lifting with a special device. The principle of operation of the device is the action of focused ultrasound on the deep layers of the dermis and the connective-muscular structure of the SMAS, which acts as a kind of frame for the face. With increasing age, the supporting function of SMAS weakens, causing the facial contours to become blurred. When ultrasound acts on the deep layers of the skin, collagen fibers are compressed and fat cells are reduced - which also causes the skin itself to contract and noticeably tighten. This is currently the safest alternative to surgical lifting, with no risk and no recovery period. If you seriously suffer from crow's feet around the eyes, an effective face lift will help you manage the problem while firming your face and giving it a more youthful appearance.
How to remove wrinkles under the eyes at home
Is it possible to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes at home? Yes, as long as they are not too deep, you can smooth the skin in that area yourself. The sooner you start fighting, the better. In addition, home remedies complement professional procedures by a beautician and the results last for a long time.
It is recommended to consult a beautician before using home remedies. If the doctor gives the green light, you can safely use any homemade mask for wrinkles around the eyes at home.
Unfortunately, not all of the products that owners of wrinkles around the eyes write about in online forums are really effective. For example, the popular heparin ointment for wrinkles under the eyes does not help - this drug helps with puffiness and dark circles under the eyes, but cannot remove age-related wrinkles and facial wrinkles.
Methyluracil is considered a more effective remedy for wrinkles under the eyes - this remedy stimulates skin regeneration. However, you should consult your doctor before use. Although the reviews of this ointment for wrinkles around the eyes are positive, it is by no means a fact that the product is suitable for you.
Experts have different opinions about Facebook structure. Some girls consider gymnastics to be a real salvation from wrinkles around the eyes, and the photos only confirm this. Others complain about a lack of effect or even a worsening of their skin condition. In any case, it is important to perform the exercises correctly. Therefore, before you start training, you should definitely familiarize yourself with all the subtleties.
Anti-wrinkle massage is effective if you combine it with cosmetics for the eye area. In no case do not stretch the skin, but apply anti-wrinkle cream or ointment to the skin around the eyes with light movements.